DSGN’s Commitment to Anti-Racism

DSGN stands in solidarity with the Black community and condemns the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Botham Jean, and Atatiana Jefferson, along with so many others.

DSGN also recognizes the horrific crimes that have taken place against people of color across our country for far too long.

DSGN recognizes the problem is systemic and we commit to fighting racism as a firm and within the built environment.

At DSGN, we recognize the value of diversity and inclusivity in our country and in the field of architecture, and we have developed an Anti-Racism Action Plan to define actionable steps to promote and support diversity and inclusion in our office and within the field of architecture.

These are the steps we’re taking now:

  • Joining & supporting the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), locally with individual memberships, and nationally as a Corporate Friend.
  • Evaluating our own office diversity and equity via International Living Future Institute’s third-party certification for social justice to become a JUST organization.
  • Volunteering time and resources to CityLab High School of Dallas Independent School District, including continuing our financial contribution as a CityLab Summit! Annual Sponsor.


This is what we commit to accomplish in the next twelve months:

  • Attend and recruit at Prairie View A&M to support Texas’s only HBCU with an Architecture program
  • Fund scholarships for minority students at Texas architecture schools
  • Participate in outreach and mentorship opportunities to DISD students of all ages, focusing on identifying architecture as an achievable career path at an early age.


We believe that actions speak louder than words and will continue to update you on our future progress. Please, feel free to provide feedback, resources, and/or opportunities we should consider as we move forward.